drammaturgie urbane-city playwriting-milan-fringe theatre

Playwriting in the urban space (in Italian language, Drammaturgie Urbane)

is a concept-box, or rather, a concept-blog created by Sonia Arienta 

It collects Sonia’s and her guests’ projects, ideas, reflections about performance, interpretation of a role, “presentation of self” in the urban spaces or, more generally, in the inhabited places.

Stage is everywhere! We are leaving in a multi-building, widespread theatre.

Playwriting in urban spaces (Drammaturgie Urbane)

is a research project, an experimental path connected to the concepts of theatre and inhabited/anthropized space, started in 2006 with Associazione Culturale Due Punti Aperte Virgolette. The word “inhabitant” denotes every living being. Our perspective rejects the anthropocentric point of view, promoting balance, coexistence and respect among different species.

Playwriting in urban spaces (Drammaturgie Urbane)

consists in multilevel projects and proposals:

  • Projects in which space and the inhabitants of (big or small) urban centres are the protagonists. In the first phase of the research, we involved the citizens of certain areas of Milan (OsservAZIONI and CODEX ).
  • Projects where different types of “inhabitants” (humans, other animals, plants) are the main characters of the stories developed on the anthropized space (Lights, Clandestine Flowerbeds, Silent Actors, XRay of the Night, in an upcoming feature).
  • Projects in which different places of the city are the absolute protagonist ( or the co-protagonist) hosting human relations and actions (Pavements, in upcoming feature).
  • Plays written by Sonia, staged in urban places with a high symbolic value (for example “Water chambers” in a swimming pool and staged in the city of Verbania on Lake Maggiore).
  • Paper Theatre projects (that is to say a particular sort of exposition, as Rebel-Lion, in progress).
  • Presentations of authors working in a similar way, walking on similar paths, around the world
  • Critical essays about authors written by guest scholars and critics.
Sonia Arienta, autrice teatrale, saggista, regista

Sonia Arienta, Ph. Dr in Arts du Spectacle, is a playwright, a director and a researcher – associée al Lab Litt&Art, centre Charnière at Université de Grenoble-Alpes (France).  Her field is the sociology of cultural products, Discourse and Argumentation Studies specifically related to opera and novel.

Her projects were performed at Teatro Regio di Torino, Teatro Stabile di Genova, Lugano Festival Martha Argerich Project, Teatro Donizetti, AsLiCo, Teatro Campoamor (Oviedo), and early in her carier she has been assistant director in some of the most important opera-houses (Rossini Opera Festival, Covent Garden, La Scala, Arena di Verona, Teatro Bellini Catania, Torre del Lago, Macerata Opera).

Among her plays: Strade/Corridoi (Teatro Stabile di Genova), Khore, la luna di miele di Arianna (Teatro Greco, Milano), Pareti Domestiche (Free climbing) among the finalists at Premio Riccione per il Teatro 2005, Jury was chaierd by Franco Quadri.

In addition to writing articles in scientific journals and theater programs of the main Italian opera houses, she has written four monographs to date: “Qui m’ascolta o m’uccidi”. La rappresentazione della persuasione da Mozart a Puccini (LIM 2020) coming very soon, Urli, mormorii silenzi. Sociologia della voce nel teatro musicale e nel romanzo dell’Ottocento, Carocci 2015, Opera. Paesaggi visivi, sonori, abitati (LIM 2011), Don Giovanni. Le manipolazioni di un’opera nell’Europa della Restaurazione (Ricordi-LIM 2004).

You can find more information (and press release) about Sonia on www.soniaarienta.com



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